Misk Schools takes its primary duty of care seriously, namely the safety of all our students.

We champion the belief that the safety and welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. All staff and adults who work with children have a role to play, along with their families, and should consider what is in the best interest of the child. We do this by advocating, developing and implementing policies and processes that are child-centred and all-encompassing. 

Our Safeguarding Pledge

Together, we will:
• protect children from maltreatment
• take action to enable all children to have the best possible outcomes
• ensure that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
• prevent impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development.

Children will:
• get the help they need when they need it
• be seen by a professional such as a teacher, medical worker and counsellor to make sure they are alright and not
put at more risk
• be listened to seriously, and professionals will use their power to help
• be able to discuss issues in private, if and when they want to.

Misk Schools staff will:
• support children and help them to understand decisions made about their lives
• provide children with a named adult to support them
• share information in a timely manner to keep children safe
• identify and mitigate wider risks to children
• work together effectively on children’s behalf
• be competent, confident, properly trained and supported
• work to continually improve how and what is done to keep children safe.

A Designated Safeguarding Lead has been appointed to oversee safeguarding and child protection across the whole school. There are ten additional Safeguarding Officers who form the Misk Schools Safeguarding Team. We partner with The Safeguarding Alliance who undertake regular audits to ensure that safeguarding systems and processes are effective.